State and National Advocacy
How Do I Get Involved?
The Educational Theatre Association’s network of state-based organizations provides the foundation for strong advocacy through the coordinated efforts of our chapter directors and individual chapter leadership.
Getting Started
Reach out to your chapter director to help organize a coordinated theatre action advocacy plan.
Find out if your state is represented on the organization’s Advocacy Leadership Network; if not, consider applying or recommending another member from your state.
Know who your state senator and house representative is.
Find out when these bodies are meeting and what bills are pending.
Look into who sits on the education committee (if there is one) and whether or not there is legislation pending that could impact arts education in your state.
Learn whether or not your state has an annual arts advocacy day and begin planning how you and your peers—both students and adults—can participate.
Advocacy in Action!
Want to see an example of state advocacy in action? Here's an example from West Virginia. West Virginia Chapter Director Martha Louden describes how West Virginia Thespians were able to obtain a $10,000 annual grant from the state legislature to help send their Chapter Select show to the International Thespian Festival.